I am totally new. I really don’t know how to write a blog post. I thought it would be fun to have my own blog, so here it is!

So this is me! I am Hanna, fifteen years old. I live in Amsterdam, Netherlands. I am born and raised here. I attend the Montessori Lyceum Amsterdam. I am a 10th grader (I think, in the Netherlands, we have another system). I am really busy doing my homework, keep up with friends and play volleyball.
I really like playing volleyball. I do it like 2/3 times a week. Every Friday I teach eight-years-old how to play volleyball. I also babysit at least one time a week. As you can see, I am always busy. If in the future, I am not busy, I’ll work on this blog.
I don’t know how often I’m going to post (yet). As I said I’m very busy! (third time 🙂 ) I also don’t know what I’m going to blog about (yet). I think I’m just going to write about my life and my daily activities. If you have any suggestions, leave them in the comments!
I am really looking forward to write more in the future!
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